Berik Akkozov

Experience: 10 years
· international master
· coach
· author of chess books

Our values:
Education, development and uniting.

Our mission:
To create high-quality chess education available all over the world.

Founder of ABChess
Alisa Kozybaeva
"I love children and sincerely want to pass on my experience and knowledge to them."
Chingis Kablaschev
"Our goal is to help beginners develop, to bring them to a professional level,
and also to give them skills that will be useful in life – the ability to win, take the heat, respect the opponent and analyse the situation."
"We explain everything in a language that is understandable for the child. After all, learning chess requires an absolute understanding between the coach and the student."
Edil Argymbaev
Batyrbek Zhesenbaev
"My task is to make children fall in love with chess, to teach them to think logically and anticipate the actions of not only the opponent, but also of life."